The 20th IASBS Conference

This event is sponsored and hosted by The International Association of Shin Buddhist Studies (IASBS). Any information required, please contact them by email:

[Original post here]


Sep 28-29, 2024


Ryukoku University | Kyoto, Japan


Registration Instructions

Please click the “Registration Form” above and send it to the contact email address below by September 15th, 2024.
Fee: JPY 2,000.00. Please send the fee to the Conference registration account which will be informed you later before the Conference.

The banquet will be hold in the evening of September 28th, 2024. Please check the column of the registration form whether you wish to attend to it or not.
Fee: JPY 4,000.00. Those who want to join the banquet, please pay the fee at the site.

Send them to:
Contact email address/大会連絡メールアドレス

Call for Papers – CLOSED

Paper Proposal Deadline:
May 31, 2024 /2024年5月31日

Detailed Program

September 28th (Sat) 9月28日(土)

Opening Ceremony 開会式 10:00~(清和館3階ホールSeiwa-kan Hall)
In memory of Late Dr. Hisao Inagaki (the 2nd President of IASBS; 1929-2023)
Hoyu Ishida (The University of Shiga Prefecture, Emeritus)

Session #1 第1セッション 10:30~12:00
Room 1 第1部会 (Nanko-room203: 南黌 203教室)
1. A Neoplatonist Reading of Rennyo Shōnin’s Soteriology: The Dialectic versus Theurgy | Alexander James O’Neill, Musashino University
2. (Re)definitions of “Faith” 信in Late-Imperial Chinese Pure Land Buddhism | Jakub Zamorski, Jagiellonian University
3. The “Other Power” Teachings Beyond Pure Land Buddhism: Report on the Pan-Buddhist Project Co-sponsored by IASBS and the Univ. of British Columbia | Kenneth K. Tanaka, Musashino University, Emeritus

Lunch Break

Session #2 第2セッション 13:30~15:00
Room1 第1部会 (Nanko-room203: 南黌 203教室)
1.How 19th Century Japanese Buddhists Portrayed Themselves According to the Bijou of Asia? | Mitsuya Dake, Ryukoku University
2. How 19th Century Japanese Buddhists Portrayed Themselves According to the Hansei Magazine? | Ichido Kikukawa, Chikushi University
3.The Birth and Decline of “Shinshu Theology”: Collaboration between Shinshu Followers and Western Missionaries during the Meiji and Taisho Periods | Nobuya Dake, Ryukoku University

Room2 第2部会 (清和館3階ホール Seiwa-kan Hall)
Panel #1 (日本語) 未来志向で考える新しい「領解文」
1. Zenko Inoue | Ryukoku University
2.Tomoo Fujimaru | Musashino University
3.Kenneth Tanaka | Musashino University, Emeritus

Public Lecture 公開記念講演会 15:30~
清和館3階ホール Seiwa-kan Hall
Some Issues of Pure Land Practice in the Ōjōyōshū | Robert Rhodes, Otani University, Emeritus

Receptionレセプション 18:00~

September 29th (Sun) 9月29日(日)

Session#3 第3セッション 10:00~12:00
Room1 第1部会 (Nanko-room203: 南黌 203教室)
1.Nāgārjuna in the Commentary on the Ten Boddhisattva Stages ― As a Practitioner | Akinobu Kuwahara, Ryukoku University
2.From the Three-Grade Rebirth System in the Da Amituo jing to the Nine-Grade Rebirth System in the Guan Wuliangshou fo jing | 肖(XIAO) 越(Yue), Ryukoku University
3. A Study of “Kanto E-Den” a Biography of Shinran in the Early Modern Period | Ryoei Nanjo, Ryukoku University
4.The View of Female Teachers in Medieval Shin Buddhism -Focusing on the “Nyobos” (女房) teaching in the Kumano-Kyokeshu (『熊野教化集』) | Masumi Itajiki, The Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute

Room2 第2部会 (Nanko-room204: 南黌 204教室)
1. A Study on the Effectiveness of the English Translation of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha | Keiya Yasutake, Ryukoku University
2. Americanizing Jodo Shinshu: Nisei Perspectives and Ministerial Guidance in WWII Internment Camps | Masumi Kikuchi, Ryukoku University
3. Translating the Kyōgyōshinshō today | Jérôme Ducor, University of Geneva

Lunch Break

Session#4 第4セッション 13:30~15:00
Room1 第1部会 (Nanko-room203: 南黌 203教室)
1.Why doesn’t Yuien Kill Thousand People? | Masatomo Tsurodome, Otani University
2.Soga Ryōjin’s view of the relationship between the history of self-awareness and the history of the original vow of Amitābha Buddha | Yuichi Tsunoda Sophia University
3.The Enlightenment of King Ajātaśatru as the Archetype of the “Attainment of Buddhahood by Evil persons | Takami Inoue Otani University

Room2 第2部会 (Nanko-room204: 南黌 204教室)
1. The Significance of the Pure Land Beyond the Contemporary Human World | Esho Muraishi, Musashino University
2. Resemblance of the Distinct “Names” of God in Islamic Theology and Amida’s Attributes in the Pure Land Tradition | Afrashteh Sepideh Ohtani University
3. The true Faith endowed by Tathagata Amida | Jishin Yabu

Session #5 (Panel Session) 第5セッション (パネルセッション) 15:15~16:45
Room1 第1部会 (清和館3階ホールSeiwa-kan Hall)
Panel #2 Translating Tannisho commentaries in Edo Period
1. Mak Blum | University of California at Berkeley
2. Michel Conway | Otani University
3. Mitsuya Dake | Ryukoku University

General meeting of the society 学会総会 16:50~