A sound recording of C. Pierce Salguero’s keynote address given at this past summer’s conference, Buddhism and Wellbeing, is now available! Click here to listen to Dr. Salguero’s talk.
Stay tuned for information on next year’s conference, and please sign up for our mailing list to receive notifications of upcoming events!
On May 29, 2015, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhism and Contemporary Society welcomed C. Pierce Salguero (Assistant Professor Penn State University / Abington College) as this year’s keynote speaker. His lecture was entitled,
“Toward a Global History of Buddhism & Medicine”
Today’s emphasis on the health benefits of mindfulness is the latest incarnation of a longstanding symbiotic relationship between Buddhism and medicine. Pierce Salguero is an interdisciplinary humanities scholar interested in the role of Buddhism in the crosscultural exchange of healing knowledge and practices. Focusing on first millennium CE Asia, his paper is part of his current work on the global history of Buddhist healing “from Sarnath to Silicon Valley.”
Prof. Salguero’s lecture was part of the fifth annual Tung Lin Kok Yuen Canada Foundation Conference at UBC’s Point Grey campus. The full conference webpage may be found here:
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