Tuesday October 16, 2018
2:00 to 4:00 pm
UBC | Asian Centre
Auditorium | 1871 West Mall
Dakinava Buddhist Educational and Cultural Society (DBECS) has invited Master Ven. Tsung Tzu to give talks on topics related to the foundations of Buddhism. Please join us!
Topics of discussion will include:
1. The Buddha: History and Legend
2. The Buddha’s Teachings: The Four Noble Truths
3. The Eightfold Path is a Plan of Action for Realizing Nirvana
4. The Buddha’s Ethics
5. Karma and the Cycles of Birth and Death
The speaker:
Mahayana Buddhist Master, Venerable Professor Tsung Tzu Shi
Registration link:
Please contact Joyce if you have any questions: 604-820-9655